Thursday, January 3, 2019

Climate change and what to do

I wrongly assumed the new congress was meeting yesterday, when in reality Nancy Pelosi and company take power today.  Among the most pressing issues is climate change and what we need to do about it.  Most of us keep our heads down and do our jobs each day without thinking too much about the weather.  But climate scientists tell us we are on the cusp of events which will remake our environment in ways which will be difficult if not impossible to remediate.  The Arctic is warming faster than any other area on earth and while this phenomenon is contributing in the short run to relatively cold winters in the northeast US, the long run consequences will be catastrophic. Ms. Pelosi's house must put forward a blueprint for action which can be acted on in 2021 as soon as Dems get a majority in the Senate and a new president.  Jay Inslee, the governor of Washington is already running for president on the single issue of climate change.  He may not win, but he will put the issue in the forefront of the nation's agenda.  I hope...

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