Tuesday, January 29, 2019

New/Old voices

Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren have blown out of the starting gate for the democratic nomination for president and have established themselves as front runners.  Both are offering the electorate programs which are at least as radical as anything Bernie Sanders was touting in 2016 and probably further left than what Hillary finally ran with.  Harris wants a big middle class tax cut, while Warren wants to tax the 75,000 households which make up the superrich .01%.  Joe Biden and his advisors are probably huddling to see if they can come up with something to the left of the Obama centrism he spent 8 years cultivating.  The other supposed competitors must also offer compelling visions of the future or risk being frozen in some parking lot in Des Moines or Manchester this winter.  It will be an interesting few months until we see who has the correct reading of the American zeitgeist.  One thing for sure, it won't be Howard Schultz, the billionaire from Starbucks.

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