Thursday, January 24, 2019

Not with a bang

As the federal government lurches ever closer to a crisis it can't deal with due to lack of funds, it behooves us to wonder how this horror show came to pass.  How have we become so polarized as a nation that a handful of right wing anti-immigration zealots can hold a nation of 325 million people hostage?   I would say the easy answer is  probably the correct one.  A majority of the white population of this country are uneasy about the number of people of color  who either live here already or who are applying for asylum as refugees.  Their silence in the face of this administration's perverse behavior regarding these refugees has emboldened the haters on the right to demand a wall across our southern border to halt the influx.  It doesn't matter to them  that illegal immigration has slowed to a trickle and their is actually a net out migration of illegals.  The principle that America must remain white is what drives them.  The silent sympathy of millions of our fellow citizens is what sustains them.  Having written this, I realize I have done nothing myself, so I will call my congressional representatives today and demand they pass a clean funding bill to end the shutdown.

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