Wednesday, January 2, 2019


As always, it is difficult to remember to write the new year on anything from checks to blog posts.  I think this is part of the human makeup.  We resist the new and cherish the old, even if it is eminently forgettable, like 2018.  Today begins with the inauguration of a new Democratic House and the election of Nancy Pelosi to the speakership.  While the newly energized House may not get a lot of new legislation passed into law, the diverse caucus of the dems will have 2 years to flesh out an agenda to present for voters to decide on in 2020.  A green new deal should be the cornerstone of that presentation.  Of course investigating the tRump administration will probably make the most headlines as will the continuing Mueller probe.  The Donald will probably continue the government shutdown to deflect the public's attention from his manifest incompetence unless and until Mitch McConnell and republicans in the Senate threaten to send a Continuing Resolution sans border wall money with the threat of a veto override.  It looks like nonstop fun coming up this year.

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