Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Oh Rudy

Virtually everyone on the liberal side of the current divide has Rudy Giuliani's number.  As most pundits appearing on MSNBC or writing on left leaning blogs would say, Rudy is blowing smoke up the nation's backside, hoping his brand of scattershot argle bargle mixed with an occasional admission of some potentially damaging evidence against his boss will confuse and redirect the conversation and eventually, when tRump has to admit that the news might be true, it will be old news.  It's as if Bill Clinton's lawyer first admitted he had sex with "that" woman, then claimed it was great sex and finally proclaimed that any man would want to have great sex, so what's the problem.  Well, the problem for Giuliani is that his act is becoming increasingly transparent and pretty soon, most people will start treating it as such and rightfully pinning the blame on the current president*.  I don't know what the average Faux News watcher is thinking, but even a moderately intelligent conservative has got to be feeling somewhat bemused at the show Mayor 9/11 is putting on.

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