Thursday, January 17, 2019

Riders on the storm

In a classic illustration of "both siderism", NYT columnist, Bret Stephens wrings his hands over the chaos currently enveloping the capitalist west.  He decries his fellow conservatives embrace of the tRump presidency and its corruption for the purpose of securing tax cuts, deregulation and conservative jurists.  He implies these same erstwhile conservatives loudly denounced Bill Clinton for his womanizing but meekly endure the Kaiser of Chaos and his band of nihilists.  Of course, Clinton was not perfect, but he did believe in governance for the common good.  All The Donald wants is self aggrandizement.  Stephens recalls the success of Margaret Thatcher and George H.W. Bush in rolling back Saddam Hussein's conquest of Kuwait.  He contrasts this with the abject failure of Theresa May to manage Brexit and tRump's failure at almost everything and wonders where we all went wrong.  If you strip off ideological blinders Mr. Stephens it is pretty easy to see the utter failure of conservative ideology in the 21st century is mainly due to its fealty to the whims of old white men who can't stand the challenge to their authority.  He uses the metaphor of a rudderless ship to speculate who will repair the rudder and rigging before the next storm.  It won't be another old white man Bret.  A new generation of leaders is rising and they are not necessarily white, old or men.  We will ride out the storm following their lead.

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