Monday, January 28, 2019


So, Roger Stone was finally indicted by the Special Counsel's office on Friday.  As virtually everyone agrees, Stone was the go between who supplied the tRump campaign with prior notice to Wikileaks' dumps of Clinton campaign e-mails stolen by the Russians.  Whether Robert Mueller has evidence to that effect remains to be seen.  He chose to indict Stone for what the Faux News commentators call "process crimes"; lying to Congress.   They make  it seem like this is no big deal.  However, it is still a felony to lie to House and Senate investigators.  Also, why lie if there is nothing to hide?  Since virtually everyone who has speculated about the various moves made by Mueller has invariably been wrong, I won't indulge.   But it would be nice if more indictments continue to come down, like the snow which continues to fall over the North Country this winter of our discontent.

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