Friday, January 25, 2019

Banality of Evil Squared

Hannah Arendt must be spinning in her grave as various Trumpistas, including the Donald himself weigh in on the plight of furloughed federal workers.  From Wilbur Ross' ruminations about bank loans to Kevin Hassett's opinion these workers should be glad not to have to use vacation days to an unnamed official who speculated these workers are unnecessary anyway to the final indignity of tRump suggesting the local grocery store would "work with" unpaid workers it is a cornucopia confirmation of the banality of evil in real life.  The unfortunate part is that nearly 62 million of our fellow Americans voted for this travesty of  government and some part of that population continues to support these maniacs.   The next 24 hours will feature nonstop coverage of Roger Stone's arrest, so the plight of  well over a million of our fellow citizens will be on the back burner as the media speculates the next development in the tRump saga.  I hope the local food pantries around the nation are well stocked.

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