Monday, January 14, 2019

Yin and Yang

The "polarization" of our political parties is a staple of pundits on both the left and the right.  We are being whipsawed between the politics of Steve King on the fascist side of the spectrum to Alexandra Ocasio Cortez on the scary socialist side.  Therefore we must make obeisance to Michael Bloomberg or Joe Biden or some other old white man who will save us from our worse natures.  As has been pointed out in this blog many times this is a false dichotomy.  On the GOP side you have a party which has been taken over by a non leadership who allow the very worst elements of its base dictate policy.  The misogynist, racist homophobic impulses of roughly 30% of the population, the deplorables if you will are being given a loud voice in the nation's governance.  AOC and the left side of the democratic party are the corrective to this descent into intolerance.  The slew of women and people of color who were elected in the recent blue wave are the way to bring us fully into the 21st century.  So, the choice, if that is what you call this is whether we respond to the better or worse angels of our natures.  I'm betting on the former, and we don't need Mssrs. Biden and/or Bloomberg to tell us that.

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