Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Shiny objects

The 24 hour news cycle we are currently living in threatens to literally suck all the oxygen out of the room and the planet.  As we hurtle down the chute leading to the destruction of our habitat, every time it looks like the public may focus on the danger, along comes another shiny object to distract us.  The Wall, the new book by Andrew McCabe, Bernie Sanders announcing his candidacy.  The list goes on.  As a father and grandfather, I am left agonizing about the future my descendants are facing.  Meanwhile, I have to hope for another weather disaster to maintain the public's attention to the existential threat we face in the coming decades.  Waiting for the media to help in this regard is a fool's errand.  Unless the DC area or New York is hit with a scorchingly hot summer with temps regularly in the 100s for weeks on end, the media mob will continue to chase the next new thing.  And no, Bernie will not be our next president.

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