Friday, February 15, 2019

Anoather 5 billion bricks for the Wall

Forgive the Pink Floyd reference, but with the tRump administration it always seems we are on the dark side of the moon!   So, Cheeto Jesus has declared a national emergency so he can "finish the wall".   Of course, he knows this is an exercise in futility.   Between Congress (meaning Nancy Pelosi) and thousands of landowners willing to fight the use of eminent domain in order to secure the land necessary for the wall, this action will wind up in the courts for years.  I'm guessing tRump knows this full well and is fine with it.  He will point to the litigation and tell his base he is fighting for their right to be bigoted racists.  The great part about this is he will be able to drag this political zombie out of the closet at every campaign rally and get the applause lines he craves, all the while assuring the mega donors for the party that they will continue to get their cheap illegal immigrant labor.  It's a win-win.

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