Monday, February 11, 2019

It's that time again

It is time again to remind everyone that if the Democrats win in 2020, the first thing they need to do is cut the deficit!  Forget the bold social programs that most western democracies take for granted, like universal health care and child care as well as generous retirement.  Dems and their allies need to suck it up and reverse all the Republican tax cuts for the rich.  That's the easy part.  Then they need to do "entitlement" reform by raising the retirement age and medicare eligibility.  All this so the next republican administration can cut taxes again.  This tiresome scenario has played out when each party has succeeded the other over the past 30 years.  Part of the problem is the anti-tax fervor instilled in nearly every American by the right wing polemicists who equate taxation with theft.  I'm sure Elizabeth Warren's wealth tax will be criticized that way.  What one of the Democratic candidates for President needs to say is we are all in this together and if we want and need nice things like universal child care and free college tuition, we can't merely confiscate the wealth of the 1%.   That won't pay for everything we want to do for our society.  The vast middle class needs to pay more if they want to get more.  Someone  must articulate that message if we are to have a more just society.

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