Thursday, March 22, 2018

What do we really want?

Perhaps more than ever before, we the people are creations of the media.   Specifically, our opinions are generated by the relentless assault on our senses by social media.  Facebook, twitter, instagram and a whole panoply of apps I am personally unfamiliar with but which Millenials and their children have grown up using.  In addition, cable news has conveniently set itself up to cater to the opinions we naturally gravitate toward.  I'm not saying "the greatest generation" did not have its own foibles; segregation and intolerance were part and parcel of growing up in the mid 20th century.  However, we now have a gigantic marketplace of ideas to choose from.  So how did a mountebank like tRump manage to get elected?   What itch does his completely bonkers style of governance scratch among the population at large.  It would seem we are creatures of grievance, looking for someone to voice our inchoate rage against the established order.   Despite the fact over 3 million more people voted for Hillary than for The Donald, a fluke in our electoral system allowed the American Id to gain national power.  What happens next is anyone's guess.

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