Thursday, March 15, 2018

Terror and the erosion of decency

Despite the work history of the new nominee to head the CIA, it appears she will win enough votes to become the first woman to head the agency.  Gina Haspel, who was "chief of base" at a black ops base in Thailand after 9/11 and allegedly supervised the torture of detainees, is being lauded by the usual suspects, including Dick Cheyney's spawn.  Why do Americans consistently approve of torture?   A Reuter's poll in 2016 made it clear that a majority of my countrymen and virtually all self identified Republicans approve of torture despite many studies which prove very little true information is gleaned during the procedure.  I don't doubt it, but that is not what prompts my incredulity.  It seems when questioned by the pollster, most people said they wanted more torture because they were afraid of terror attacks at various public venues, including airports, sporting events, etc.   Why?   I am not a warrior by any means, but I have never felt afraid of being caught in a terror attack and certainly would never approve of torturing anyone to get actionable intelligence.  It would seem that starting on the day the twin towers fell, we have been fed a steady stream of agitprop designed to make us afraid of terrorists.  Faux News is a major source of this misinformation, but even the bastions of the MSM are guilty to an extent.  The chance of the average Fox viewer being killed by a terrorist are about the same as being struck by lightning.  However, the fear mongering in the media, aided and abetted by those in government who know better has shaped a world in which we are about to have a torturer become head of the CIA.  Jesus would weep if he had any tears left.

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