Friday, March 9, 2018

Mind Boggling

Stormy Daniels, steel and aluminum tariffs, North Korea, Robert Mueller and on and on.  The scandals and stupidity come on like an avalanche, crushing and distorting everything in their path.  Even the pundits can't keep up with the craziness.   The Daniels scandal pretty much proves the *president is vulnerable to bribery, not to mention the illegal machinations used to cover up the tryst.  The steel and aluminum tariffs are most likely a reaction to other news which enraged our toddler in chief and will probably kick off a disastrous trade war.  The spur of the moment decision to meet with the North Koreans is evident by the stunned reactions of the Pentagon and State Departments indicating neither was consulted.  The consensus reaction is we are being rolled by the North Koreans who will advertise this "summit" as the capitulation of  the US in the face of a nuclear armed North.  Meanwhile, the Mueller investigation is inquiring about the back channel to the Kremlin that the tRump administration seemed desperate to get in place before the inauguration.  What is that all about.  Inquiring minds want to know.  And so it goes.

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