Monday, March 26, 2018

Likewise, I'm sure

The March For Our Lives, an heroic event organized by the students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School with a little help from the nascent gun control movement was by all accounts a huge success in that it showed the breadth of the movement.  Now we will find out the depth of said movement.   It would be a fitting tribute to the latest victims of senseless death due to the availability of weapons of mass destruction if assault weapons are banned and like Australia there is a real buy back program to get the millions of these weapons out of the public's hands.  However, unless the marchers are willing to become one issue voters in the same way the NRA devotees are, there will be little progress on the legislative front.   As long as the average congressman perceives gun nuts as more dangerous to his/her reelection than gun control enthusiasts there will be no action.  The millenials and their children will be the ones who will eventually move this issue, but it will take sustained action and exercise of the franchise to make it happen.

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