Friday, March 23, 2018

Fasten seat belts

It looks like the *president finally has his diplomatic dream team; Mike Pompeo at State and John Bolton as his national security advisor.  Pompeo is widely expected to practice bare knuckled diplomacy with friend and foe alike.  Bolton on the other hand has no use for talks.  To him every dispute is a nail and a military response is his hammer.  Both advocate scrapping the Iran deal, despite the fact it was negotiated with our European allies.  Our renewal of sanctions against the Iranians is a toothless threat because our allies will never follow that lead, leaving Bolton free to propose the military option.  Likewise, a blustering threat filled summit with N. Korea will likely lead to increased tension and fear in Asia.  It's like these idiots will be playing the board game Risk*, only with the lives of hundreds of millions at stake. 

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