Wednesday, March 14, 2018

looking in the mirrow

Late posting today as I had to clean the driveway of the latest snowfall this morning at first light.  It's looking like it will have to be done this evening again.  Ugh!  I hate winter.   Meanwhile, in flyover country it looks like the Dems picked up a seat in the House last night.  Conor Lamb, a fresh faced veteran and former prosecutor was able to persuade a Trump +20 congressional district to give him a chance.  I was struck by the pictures of Lamb's supporters.   They looked like a cross section of the mainly white suburban/working class voters who pushed tRump to electoral victory.  Another recent study of these increasingly republican leaning voters posits they are less driven by economic factors than racial resentment and fear of the "other".  That would explain how nearly 50% of the electorate in that district would vote for a republican who is promising to destroy the ACA and is fine with a regressive tax cut for the rich.  It is comforting that a slice of that demographic will at least give the democrat a chance.   It bodes well for a reckoning in November.

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