Thursday, March 8, 2018

Weather or Not

Thankfully the latest winter storm did not reach our area with any ferocity.  A light dusting of snow caused a few fender benders and further depleted the snow clearing budgets of local towns, but we missed the accumulations and power outages which will plague more southern areas in New England for the next several days.  As much as we would like this winter to be over, heavy snow and freezing temps remain possibilities for at least another month.  The latest reports on the science of climate change now say the Northeastern US will lag behind much of the world in the global warming department as Polar cold is displaced to our area despite the continued thaw  in the Arctic regions.  This is unfortunate because it will allow climate deniers in Washington to continue their pernicious lies regarding human caused climate change.  By the time we start planting palm trees on the shores of Lake Champlain it will be too late to mitigate the damage much of the rest of the world will experience.

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