Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Pass the Scorecard

There are so many scandals hovering around the tRump administration you literally need a scorecard to keep track.   Yesterday came news the company used by the *president to engage in social media, Cambridge Analytica has been busted for illegally harvesting personal information from the accounts of 50 million facebook users.  On top of the firing of Andrew McCabe in an obvious effort to taint his usefulness as a witness in the Mueller investigation and further developments in said investigation the casual observer can be excused the whiplash all this information causes.  Meanwhile legitimate policy languishes as The Donald and his not so merry men play whack-a-mole.   The very real needs of our country are not being met.  Of course, if Hillary had been elected, the drumbeat of congressional investigation would have hamstrung any attempt at governance on her part.   However, we would not be saddled with Scott Pruitt, Ryan Zinke and the host of slimy weasels who have infested the federal government.  I would advocate for passing the popcorn if the very real damage these charlatans are doing were not an outrage which may take years if not decades to correct.

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