Friday, March 30, 2018

Roseanne and me

I cheerfully admit to never watching an episode of Roseanne Barr's TV show back in the 80s and early 90s.  I never thought much about the choice, but maybe it was just the feeling that All in the Family had covered much the same ground in a more thoughtful manner.  Be that as it may, I will not watch the second incarnation of Ms. Barr's exploration of American working class angst.   Her outing herself in both real life and on the show as a tRump voter was not the deciding factor in my decision not to participate in this cultural phenomenon, but it played a part.  From what I have heard, the show is smart, funny and it check's all the boxes in contemporary sociology.  The Conners have a mixed race grandchild, another who is gender non-conforming and Roseanne's sister is still a democrat.  She says she voted for tRump because he mentioned jobs and was going to "shake things up".  For these two sentiments she and millions of others were willing to entrust the awesome power of the presidency to a serial sexual assaulter, bankruptcy filer and all around low life.   Despite the portrayal of Roseanne as salt of the earth working class heroine, she is in real life an extremely rich woman who continues to distort the real life experience of ordinary people. 

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