Friday, March 2, 2018

Laws of Entropy

The universe tends toward chaos.  Nowhere is this better illustrated than the current White House.   When The Donald was a relatively new phenomenon, the media gleefully portrayed the growing incoherence of its daily operations as some sort of charming peccadillo of the chief inhabitant.  Amusing, but not very dangerous.   As the months roll by and the body count of fired or resigned aides and assistants grows alarmingly, it has become less amusing and more horrifying.  There is genuine concern about finding replacements for staffers now that  employment in the tRump administration is seemingly a one way ticket to self immolation.   During other, more sane administrations, a job in the West Wing was seen as a ticket to a lifetime of secure and lucrative employment divided between government service and high priced lobbying gigs.  Now, ex Trump employees have a radioactive taint which will probably see them leave D.C. in disgrace, with bullseye on their backs.   It will be interesting to see how many tell all books will be written in the next few years.   In the meantime, the dissonance continues and the last person to talk to the chief agent of Chaos (may Don Adams RIP) is seemingly the best informed as to what will happen next.

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