Monday, March 26, 2018

A tiny tempest

So, Stormy Daniels' supposedly bombshell interview finally aired on "60 Minutes" last night and based on what I saw, the rest of the nation probably uttered a collective "So What?".   That tRump cheated on his wives is nothing new.  The part about Ms. Daniels spanking him with a copy of Forbes magazine was also known ahead of time, although it sounded a bit kinky when she told Anderson Cooper about it.  But without documentary evidence that she was threatened by an employee of the tRump organization to induce her silence, there seems no reason for Stormy's 15 minutes of fame.  Her lawyer hyped the televised interview as something more than what actually happened.  Unless he or she can come up with something else, this whole thing will blow over in a matter of a few weeks.  After all, we'll probably be on a war footing by May.

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