Thursday, March 1, 2018

In plain sight

Many commentators and pundits keep saying the tRump administration has been lucky and so far has not faced a crisis which will define its shortcomings, such as the botched handling of Hurricane Katrina forever scarred the Shrub's.   Meanwhile, out of sight and mind of most Americans, Puerto Rico continues its fitful recovery from a storm which occurred in August.  For months, most of population has not had electricity and it is estimated the storm caused or is responsible for at least a thousand deaths.   Most of these deaths happened several weeks after the storm when prompt restoration of power probably would have prevented them.  Of course the media narrative is the island power grid was in terrible shape and somehow the general population is responsible for this shortcoming.  Unfortunately, racism is a big part of this story.  Similar, but less deadly storms in Texas and Florida were met with massive amounts of federal aid.  Power was restored quickly and most residents were happy with the response.  Meanwhile, in PR, FEMA's feeble response has resulted in islandwide suffering of the entire population which has been underreported, due to the geographic isolation and the racial makeup of most inhabitants.  It would be hard to imagine a similar federal response to a major storm in Hawaii.  What happens when the next big crisis appears?

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