Tuesday, March 6, 2018

King Lear syndrome

King Lear is a Shakespearean tragedy and most people believe Lear is the victim.  Unfortunately, the king is the perpetrator of everyone else's grief.   He doesn't come to this realization until the last act, when his manipulation by his unscrupulous daughter becomes evident.  I doubt there is a less sympathetic character in all of the bard's plays.  Which brings us to present day America and the tragedy playing out at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.  Truly, the *president makes Lear seem like a self aware empath.   As the special prosecutor closes in on him and his closest associates, tRump continues to flail like a drunk attempting to make his getaway in a car he is locked out of.   He appears to be ready to sacrifice virtually anyone in his way.   The exception is probably his daughter, Ivanka and possibly his son-in-law, though if I was Jared, I wouldn't count on it.  The fool in this little play appears to be a former employee, Sam Nunberg who made the rounds on cable news yesterday.  He alternately taunted and groveled before the subpoena requiring him to testify before Mueller's grand jury.  Perhaps this is a preview of The Donald's  King Lear moment. 

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