Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Cage rattling

Judging by the attacks on the March for Our Lives movement by conservatives and gun nuts, the kids are on to something.  The five demands they are making are all sensible, easily doable check-offs, with the exception of an assault weapons ban and buyback program similar to Australia's.  I warmly applaud these well informed young adults and their can do spirit.  It helps that they are obviously nurtured and supported by loving parents who are proud of their efforts.  Like previous generations, this cohort of young people are being challenged, in this case by senseless gun violence.  They are responding like heroes and picking up the mantle of activism once worn by Viet-Nam protestors and before that by those who fought and won World War 2.  They face a united front of those who profit by gun sales and the carnage that results.  I believe they will not be deterred and will continue the fight into the voting booths across the country for the next few cycles until the most pro NRA congressmen are retired.

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