Monday, March 12, 2018

All over again

Although somewhat jet lagged by the latest switch to daylight savings time, I am still gobsmacked by the continuing assault on my sense of outrage by the tRump administration.   The outrages continue to pile up, but I think I will try this week to discuss virtually anything by The Donald.  It will be better for my blood pressure.  Today's highlight will be the NYT column by David Leonhardt regarding sugar in our diets.  As a perennial wintertime struggler against waistline creep, I can certainly get behind the elimination of as much sugar as possible from my diet.  The problem being that sugar is ubiquitous in most foods that are even minimally processed.  The Divine Mrs. M and I subsist on a diet of mostly fresh, unprocessed food.  But the little processed food we do eat contributes mightily to our calorie intake.  Changing that equation will be a lot harder than it sounds.

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