Monday, March 19, 2018

Tiny hands, tiny mind

This past weekend was illustrative of the depths to which our political system has sunk.  On Friday afternoon, the deputy director of the FBI  was fired for "lack of candor", less than 24 hours from his retirement.  This was done to demean and degrade the man, Andrew Mc Cabe and deny him his pension after 21 years of service.  Following this bit of petty vengeance, we heard the *president's lawyers are suing a porn actress for blabbing about an affair she engaged in with the liar-in-chief while his third wife was caring for their new born child.  In a world where we face the very real possibility of nuclear war, climate change and countless other challenges, our leader chooses personal vendettas instead of real issues.  Kevin Drum and others have published McCabe's statement in which he excoriates tRump as a petty would be tyrant who obviously feels he is entitled to politicize the FBI and treat civil service employees like the fools who work for him in his business organization and the White House.  2020 can't come soon enough.

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