Monday, August 1, 2016

Another Weekend

Another crazy outburst from the Trump campaign.  While I concentrated on killing weeds, flea beetles and cabbage worms, The Donald proceeded to further alienate American Muslims with an attack on the parents of a soldier killed in Afghanistan.  The parents had been high profile speakers at the Democratic National Convention and had called out Trump as unfit to become president.  Instead of sympathizing with their grief and moving on, he chose to attack them and loosed a firestorm among his opponents.  It is an open question if he can do anything to alienate his core supporters who would presumably cheer if he suggested human sacrifice and entrail reading as key foreign policy suggestions.  Meanwhile, the garden is going through the mid summer transition to fall crops.  Planting late broccoli and kale as well as lettuce and beets.  The weed pressure is tremendous and I may have to resort to weed whacking isolated patches where I can't get the rototiller in without destroying other crops.  The late crops of corn, winter squash and tomatoes look good, but it is August and it is do or die for them.  Looks like a late August start for tomatoes.

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