Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Help for me, but not for thee

It was with a mild jolt of schadenfreude  I listened to the Nice Polite Republicans on NPR skewer a republican congressman and make him wriggle as they compared the GOP reaction to Superstorm Sandy with his call for federal intervention in deep red Louisiana.  The hypocrisy was palpable as this particular congresscritter allowed as how he personally would have supported the money for Jersey and New York and how he couldn't figure the opposition to handing federal money to liberal northeastern states.  It is even more ironic when you realize New York and New Jersey contribute far more per capita to the federal budget than any state controlled by the GOP.  Personally, I hope Congress acts promptly to relieve the suffering of the residents in the Baton Rouge area.  I also, somewhat in vain, hope our government addresses the underlying reasons for these weather events.  It's the climate, stupid. 

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