Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Entertainment tonight!

Watching the pundits and news readers try to make sense of The Donald's campaign is much more entertaining than the usual TV fare in August.   Complaining the fire marshals wouldn't let too many people into his rallies, further insulting the Khan family on twitter and now lying about the NFL contacting him about presidential debates and televised football.  It's all in a Donald Trump day in the media.  As one overwhelmed host declared, Trump said at least 10 things in the last two weeks which would have trashed the campaigns of anyone else who ever ran for the presidency.  It is a measure of the desperate need for ratings that the major news organizations are not continually calling for him to resign from the race.   I realize that someone who supports the republican candidate is probably thinking the same thing about Hillary.  However, the mostly made up "scandals" she is accused of are the product of the same entertainment-industrial complex which values headlines above truth.  I believe if Jesus Christ was the Democrat's nominee, at least some on the evangelical right would be questioning His motives and policies and probably calling for crucifixion as punishment.

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