Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Settling in for the long run

With 77 days to go until Election Day, the republican and democratic parties' narratives have fallen into place.   Trump's strategy is to continue to throw anything from Hillary's health to her connections with the Clinton Foundation at the proverbial wall and see if anything sticks.  So far it seems nothing but the ridiculous e-mail controversy is gaining traction.  For her part, Clinton continues to pound Trump as unserious and unqualified, especially when it comes to the nuclear codes.  As with her core supporters, Trump's base wouldn't care if he was a proven axe murderer.  The pool of persuadable voters at this point is pitifully small, so, barring a paradigm shifting event like a major terrorist attack on American soil it looks like the republic will be saved by a Clinton presidency.  The scary thing is how many people can actually admit they support an insult comedian for the most powerful office on earth.

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