Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Maddening Media

Now that the latest polls have pretty much cemented the narrative of a Clinton win, barring a terrorist attack on American soil between now and the election, what are the talking heads going to bloviate about for the next 2 1/2 months?   It would be nice if they focused attention on downballot races around the US.  Maybe inject some sanity into areas where the locals elect tea party stalwarts like Steve King and Louis Gomphert.   Of course paying attention to folks like these would expose the modern GOP as the party of cranks, racists and outright lunatics.  In order to maintain the "both sides do it" story, the MSM would have to find equally unbalanced kooks in the Democratic party.  Unfortunately for them, most of the certifiably crazy on the left have migrated to the Green Party which is stuck at about 2% favorable.  Even the Dr. Jill Stein's of the country at least pretend to sanity.  My guess is the first poll which shows any life to the insult comedian's campaign will be seized on as evidence of the big turnaround.  Until the next outrageous statement from the Donald drops him underwater again.  The injustice of it all!

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