Friday, August 26, 2016

Turning right

The media is now abuzz with the content of Hillary's speech regarding the "alt right".  Until now, the mainstream has tip-toed around the white supremacist ties to Trump's campaign.  Now, Clinton has called it out and they can't avoid it.  Rachel Maddow traced the connection between Rober Mercer, a hedge fund billionaire and Breitbart.  This connection led recently to the appointment of Breitbart editor Steve Bannon and Mercer's political operative Kellyanne Conway to campaign CEO and campaign  manager respectively of the Donald's flailing attempt at the presidency.  Breitbart's association with hate groups is well known and Clinton is not going to let anyone forget it.  Blacks, Latinos and Jews who support Trump will know his biggest supporters consider them sub human.   I don't think this issue will go away between now and the election.  It's not as if this will distract from the policy disagreements between the candidates.  Trump has no policy position he won't change every ten minutes.   Clinton can continue to make her case to the people, but she will also include a heavy dose of information about the slimeballs and hatemongers who power the latest and saddest iteration of the GOP.  It's going to get ugly.

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