Friday, August 5, 2016

Whistling past the graveyard

A new poll (NBC-Marist) shows Hillary thrashing the Donald by 15 points nationwide.  Of course it is early in the campaigns, but if the election were held today, Trump would be the Alf Landon of the 21st century.  You will notice Trump is not brandishing any of the latest polls, which uniformly show him losing.  Instead he is whining about a "rigged" election.  As if the nearly 9000 polling places around the nation are going to be simultaneously hacked and compromised by the Clinton machine!  as the President said in his press conference the whole idea is patently ridiculous.  If  the election hung in the balance and one precinct in Ohio would make the difference, I would bet on republican operatives to sabotage the results while their democratic counterparts looked on.  It has happened before.  This time, it would take an army of hackers to turn an epic rout into a Trump win.   Instead we will be treated to an increasingly unstable candidate reduced to whining about how the election will be stolen from him in an effort to massage his fragile ego.

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