Thursday, August 25, 2016

As per usual

As the rising sun heralds the day, Clinton Derangement Syndrome, aka the Clinton Rules highlights the stretch run to the election.  As posited in this blog recently, the urge to make this election the horse race the media loves has led some news outlets, specifically the AP to run stories with headlines calculated to bring Hillary's poll numbers back to within shouting distance of Trump's.  In a thinly veiled attempt to connect Clinton's actions as Secretary of State with benefits accruing to the Clinton Foundation, the AP tied itself in knots and couldn't find anything more than Hillary trying to help a Nobel Prize winner who also donated to her eponymous foundation.  However, they had to admit she would have attempted to help him even if he had never donated a penny!   NPR as usual covered the story and embellished  it somewhat, but also had to reluctantly admit it was another case of all smoke no fire.  Then of course concluding that the smoke had to mean something, didn't it.  This is what passes for journalism in 2016,

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