Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Size matters

As the media outlets look for something other than Trumpster Fires to cover, they are hightlighting some of the other parties and ideologies competing for Americans' votes this November.  The Libertarians are among those mentioned and their peculiar brand of freedom has never particularly appealed to me.  In a small agrarian nation with limited technology and infrastructure, their brand of small government and personal freedom is seductive.  However, we live in a technology driven country of over 300 million people who need and demand services only a government can provide.  The argument private companies can run prisons, build roads and supervise government programs usually falls flat as the grifters look to steal as much taxpayer money as possible, or as in the state of Kansas the small government experiment run by Governor Brownback winds up with residents screaming about underfunded schools and funding deficits.  Of course for some libertarians that is a feature, not a bug.  Corporate governance with maximum personal freedom as defined by said corporations is the ultimate goal.  The idea that government is made  up of individuals like us, striving to do the best job of providing services to other citizens is something foreign to these abstract thinkers.  Meanwhile, 40 years of republican propaganda decrying government as the problem, not the solution has convinced many of the millennial generation to reject government.  I don't know what will happen, but in a world of mega crises, a small government is not up to the task of keeping its citizens safe from corporate, environmental and foreign threats. 

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