Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Can he top this

It would seem impossible for The Donald to continue to one up himself, but he managed yet again to outrage the reasonable segment of America which can hear and understand the increasingly shrill dog whistles coming from the GOP candidate for President.  By insinuating "second amendment people" should do something if Hillary is elected and able to appoint Supreme court justices Trump once again crossed the line of acceptable political discourse.  Even if it was as some said a "joke", there are enough unhinged gun owners who have been fed a diet of Hillary hate for years by the republican side to make an assassination threat a wildly irresponsible thing to even contemplate.  The damage Trump is doing to the republic is ongoing and serious.  This election will go down as a textbook case of demagogy.  Despite the almost surety of a Clinton win in November, a significant number of people will actively dispute the legitimacy of the new President.  Even after the Supreme Court brought us the Shrub's presidency, most democrats accepted the "winner" despite the fact he lost the popular vote to Al Gore.  Hillary may well win in a popular vote and electoral college landslide and yet 20-30% of Americans will not accept her.  This is a blot on our democracy which will take generations to heal. 

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