Thursday, August 11, 2016

He did it!

Less than 24 hours after asking if The Donald can top death threats against Hillary, he managed to do it by accusing the President and Mrs. Clinton of being the "co-founders of ISIS".  The really freaky thing about this is the media coverage.  Reporters are obviously shell shocked by the constant barrage of falsehoods and outright fantasy the GOP nominee traffics in.  They merely pass on the verbal vomit with little or no commentary.  This is a beggar's banquet for the pundit class.  Although even the staunchest "Both sides do it" commenters may be burned out by Labor Day.  The only democratic elected official who could match Trump would be Alan Grayson and even he might be overmatched.  However, as one snarky liberal site noted the media will soon become bored with the "Trump is toast" narrative and will start running stories about a comeback if the polls show a less than 10 point lead for Clinton.

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