Monday, August 15, 2016

Success, mostly

Looking back on my Friday post, I believe I mostly stuck to my stated intentions.  The harvest was bountiful, despite a snafu which closed the main border crossing from Canada to the US on Friday afternoon.  I spent 2 hours waiting in line with Canadian vacationers while harried customs officers were forced to deal with overwhelming lines.  Got home before dark and was able to get some harvesting done.  Finished the remainder in the morning and got to the market.  Participated in a golf tournament during the afternoon despite the threat of rain and aside from a couple of hours of weeding on Sunday morning, I spent the balance of the day in the delightful company of the Divine Mrs. M.  All in all a very nice weekend, despite the heat and humidity.  I didn't think about politics until a friend from Vermont voiced most sane people's thoughts on the contest.  I truly think Donald Duck has more support in the Green Mountain State than the insult comedian.  Ah well, it is Monday, so time to ruminate on the election again....

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