Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Weather or Not

With wall to wall media coverage of the presidential campaigns, it is easy to miss the steady drumbeat of weather news from around the world.  Floods in Europe, melting permafrost and wildfires in Siberia, drought and hellish temperatures in Australia are afterthoughts in most of the media.  The choice between a climate denier and someone who has at least acknowledged the science behind climate change is a huge one,  and the headlines should be highlighting these differences between republicans and democrats.  Instead, the pundits fixate on Trump's self destructive feud with gold star families and veteran's groups.  Maybe they are more self aware than I give them credit for and they feel focusing this kerfluffle will highlight the candidates' differences more than their policy prescriptions.  But I doubt it.  Meanwhile, we continue to go down a road with ample warning signs of the cliff's edge we are heading for.   I weep for my grandchildren and the world they will inherit.

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