Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Donald Trump's new economy

I guess if you make a million or more dollars per year, you've got a candidate  you can believe in.  The Donald outlined an economic plan which treats the 1% like the kings they surely think they are and offers a few crumbs to the rest of us.  The biggest bloc of Trump fans, whose median income is around $75,000/year get virtually nothing, but they don't love them some Donald because of his economic plans.  They are driven mostly by racism and nativism, which periodically take over major parties in America usually to their ultimate demise.  As one commenter noted, as policy, Trump's speech was a "hot mess", but as a red meat buffet for his fans it worked fine.  Meanwhile, the rats, now led by Maine's senior senator are weaseling their way out of the bilges of the good ship Donald. Most of these erstwhile conscience driven non endorsers know that a full throated denunciation of the party's nominee and a nod to Hillary would be political suicide, so instead they equivocate their way to the exits without making the logical decision their rhetoric would indicate.  Profiles in courage indeed.

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