In the universe of cable news there is a very clear dichotomy; Faux News and its fellow travelers, Limbaugh and Breitbart posit the glorious reign of the benevolent Emperor tRump. In this scenario, everything in the news is clear evidence Cheetolini is pure as driven snow and any dispute of this is virtual treason. Most of the rest of cable is either posing as a neutral arbiter of the facts, ala Rachel Maddow, or making every fact fit a predetermined narrative as her following program host, Lawrence O'Donnell does.
Most of the news junkies and politically active citizens fit into one camp or the other. The rare bird who calls BS on both sides is the exception and there are few who do so on a consistent basis. Facebook is full of people who post on both sides of every issue, but again, I think in most cases it is knee jerk conservatism or liberalism which motivates them. Both sides aim to provoke tears of rage from each other. Clarity and facts be damned.
The trouble with both models is they premise a loyal audience willing to be disappointed again and again as the narratives spun on a nightly basis fail to catch up with the prosaic reality.
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