Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Of boo-birds and human scum

     Conservatives and some democrats are clutching their pearls and taking to their fainting couches in the wake of the avalanche of boos the president* had to endure at game 5 of the World Series in D.C. the other night.
     Chants of "lock him up" also freaked out the commander in chief who obviously hasn't been at a public event outside of the partisan rallies which validate his ego driven presidency.   Of course the pundits who considered the same chant directed at Hillary Clinton during campaign rallies as tRump being tRump are now calling out anyone who applauds him getting the same treatment as hypocrites.  However, it seems to me that what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
     tRump's reference to anyone who doesn't love him as human scum is another low point (if it can get any lower) of this presidency.  As Michelle Goldberg writes in the NYT today, while it seems anyone who criticizes The Donald from inside the GOP is offering tepid condemnation at best, we should at least acknowledge the courage it takes to even hint the president* is sullying the office he holds and almost daily violating the oath he took in 2017.   While it is hard for me to sympathize with Mittens Romney, I will make the attempt.

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