Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Baseball as metaphor

   We are six games into a World Series where the visiting team has won every game.  I don't know, but suppose this has never happened before.  I'm sure the stats people have looked it up and will gleefully let us know.  Game 7 could be a tight, well played thriller or a first inning blowout followed by 8 anticlimactic frames.  In either case, I will be sleeping by the time the winning team hoists the trophy.
     I started to write this post using the World Series as a metaphor for either the tRump reelection campaign or the democratic primary currently engaged in selecting a nominee to contest the election. on second thought, it looks like too much of a reach to compare the 2020 elections to a baseball game, although the four hour snoozers I have watched over the years do bear comparison to our convoluted election system.   The presidential sweepstakes has already been running for over a year.
     Cheetolini's effort to gain the approval of the Washington Nationals' fans the other night resulted in a resounding fail as a cascade of boos followed the announcement he was attending the game.  This was followed by chants of "lock him up".   Maybe baseball is a metaphor for the coming election after all.   I look forward to game 7 in both cases, but I am rooting for the first inning blowout in the political campaign.

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