Thursday, October 3, 2019

Whining past the graveyard

   The spittle flecked rage the world was treated to yesterday must look pretty alarming to our allies and enemies alike.   The president of Finland was in a front row seat as tRump put on a show for the national news, not to mention the dozens of deranged tweets he put up earlier in the day.
    As many pundits have noted, Cheetolini's default setting is outrage and his favorite attack mode is whining about the terrible treatment he is receiving from the media and congress.   No president has ever been treated as badly as he, despite the continuing fawning coverage by right wing media with the possible exception of the straight news division at Fox.  At least this is what he claims.  Barack Obama and certainly Hillary Clinton would beg to differ.
    Like a terrier with a rat in its mouth, Congress has the Ukrainegate scandal and it is not likely to let it go.   That means we will be treated to several months of self pity and aggrandizement by the tweeter in chief.  All the while, his staff and republicans in congress will have their fingers in the wind, measuring public reaction to the latest scandal du jour and plotting their own endgames.  It could get very lonely at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. by Christmas.

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