Thursday, October 24, 2019

The fragility of democracy

     As demonstrated by the demise of such varied democracies as ancient Athens, Rome, the French Republic and the Wiemar republic in Germany, the vesting of actual governmental power in ordinary citizens through the exercise of the voting franchise is under constant attack.  The tRump administration is the latest example of how the powerful try to undermine democratic norms.
     A lawyer for the administration actually made the argument the president is above the law and immune from investigation or prosecution short of impeachment.  Meanwhile, the White House counsel is arguing the president* does not have to cooperate with an impeachment inquiry.   So, 243 years after starting a war to free ourselves from the tyranny of King George III, we are now witness to the spectacle of Cheetolini declaring himself a virtual monarch.   Coupled with his vague threats to delay the 2020 elections, we are now spectators to the slow motion implosion of American democracy.
     Now comes a court order compelling the administration to turn over documents related to the impeachment investigation.  Should tRump order non compliance with the order, we will have reached a crisis point.  The judicial branch has no ability to force compliance with court orders except through the DOJ.   That department, under William Barr is unlikely to do anything in this regard.  This is how democracies die.

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