Friday, October 4, 2019

Normalizing the unthinkable

    As most democrats face palm themselves and the MAGA crowd cheers him on, The Donald, fresh from a public meltdown has apparently doubled down on his impeachable conduct by calling for the Chinese to launch an investigation into the Biden family.  This comes after new information shows career diplomats were horrified by tRump's plan to extort the Ukrainian government's cooperation in smearing Biden by denying military aid needed to combat Russian aggression.
    It sure looks like Cheetolini has decided to test the infamous boast he mad during the republican primaries in 2016, claiming he could shoot someone in broad daylight on 5th Avenue and he would not lose support.  Now he is committing a breach of the public trust in front of reporters with the China gambit.   He knows the democrats have him on Ukraine gate with more evidence appearing every day.  By committing another crime in front of the nation he obviously is trying to normalize criminal conduct.   So far he is not succeeding.  Polls show a majority of Americans in favor of impeachment.
     While the ultimate aim of impeachment is removal from office, it would take a tsunami of republican voters turning away from the president* to convince GOP senators to vote for conviction.  This will not happen unless the economy continues to tank in coming months.  The party will continue to support this embarrassment of a presidency so long as the good times roll.  The worst part of this whole episode is how it lays out a blueprint for future demagogues to further erode the foundation of our democracy.

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