Monday, October 14, 2019

To Plant or Not to plant

      It is a little early to be planting garlic in the North Country, at least now in the era of climate change.  A warm, wet spell from now until early November, such as we had in 2016 could cause the garlic to sprout.   Even a normal winter with some zero degree days would be enough to kill the sprouted plants.  However, with 2 inches of rain predicted on Wed. and Thursday and no warming predicted after, I think I will take the gamble and plant.
     Of course for me it is a double whammy.  We are planning to sell Casa Monzeglio sometime in the next few months and there is a real possibility all my work will ensure the new owner harvests a bumper crop of garlic.   I guess we will see how this plays out between now and next spring.  

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