Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The coming crisis

     Unless our president* does something so outrageous it cannot be ignored we are headed toward an election night crisis in 2020.   The current Ukrainegate scandal barely registers with tRump's base and Moscow Mitch will make sure even if impeachment occurs, any trial in the Senate will be a farce.  That leaves a free and fair election as the only means of removing a manifestly unfit man from the most powerful position in the world.
     The latest talking points coming out of the White House and the deranged tweets by it's titular inhabitant posit more of the "deep state" cabal trying to illegitimately remove Cheetolini in another witch hunt.  More worrying of course is the thinly veiled threat that tRump will ignore election results if he loses and the possibility many republicans will continue their craven support even at that juncture.  Worse yet, with his tiny fingers on the levers of power, however ineptly, the possibility of rigged election results remains a viable scenario.
     While talk of a civil war fought in the streets of America on behalf of the orange buffoon seems wildly over the top (most of his most ardent supporters use walkers or electric scooters), the threat of armed conflict along with election rigging is enough to give pause to those who believe in American exceptionalism.

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